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4.23 World Book Day Creative Competition prize presentation ceremony held today (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department today (April 23) held a prize presentation ceremony for the 4.23 World Book Day Creative Competition, to recognise the outstanding performance of the participants.

     Speaking at the ceremony, the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Ms Michelle Li, said that in connection with the Olympic Games to be held this year in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the theme of the competition was "Healthy Bodyä„°Healthy Mind" to encourage students to learn more about the importance of sport and learn from athletes' positive and fair play spirit through reading and writing.

     She noted that the competition received an enthusiastic response this year, with nearly 1,400 entries from more than 200 schools.

     The competition consisted of four categories: junior primary students designed postcard covers to introduce their favourite sport; senior primary students wrote letters to teachers or family members to introduce a book (printed or electronic version) about an athlete or a sport and share their views; junior secondary students wrote reading reports on the topic "Sportsmanship Means ..."; and senior secondary students wrote essays discussing the relationship between how sport helps to build a healthy body and the sustainable development of meaningful lives.

     Winning entries were selected for each category, with 25 chosen for junior primary, 15 each for senior primary Chinese and junior secondary Chinese, 12 for senior secondary Chinese, eight each for senior primary English and junior secondary English, and five for senior secondary English.

     The winning students were each awarded a $500 book coupon, a medal and a certificate. A trophy will also be awarded to the school of each award winner.

     Winning works from the competition will be on display at the Exhibition Gallery of the Hong Kong Central Library from tomorrow (April 24) to May 11, followed by a roving exhibition at 18 public libraries. The winning works will also be uploaded to the HKPL website at

     This creative competition is part of the ongoing Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau library collaboration and exchange programme. Shenzhen Library, Shenzhen Children's Library, the Sun Yat-Sen Library of Guangdong Province and Macao Public Libraries have also organised competitions under the same theme. The winning works will be displayed in their respective libraries.

     For programme enquiries, please visit the HKPL website or call 2921 2660.

     Other guests attending the presentation ceremony included the President of the Hong Kong Teacher-Librarians' Association, Ms Karen Ip; the President of the Hong Kong Reading Association, Dr Lornita Wong; the Marketing Manager (Exhibitions) of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Ms Clara Hung; and the Reading Promotion Project Leader of the Shenzhen Children's Library, Ms Dai Yingyuan.

     The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization designated April 23 as World Book Day to promote reading worldwide and pay tribute to distinguished writers. In support of the event, the HKPL has organised the 4.23 World Book Day Creative Competition since 2004 under a different theme each year to broaden the scope of students' reading. Participants are encouraged to read materials related to the theme and express their ideas in words and drawings, thus cultivating a habit of reading and an interest in writing.

Ends/Saturday, April 23, 2016
Issued at HKT 13:30


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