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Competition launched to spread anti-crime messages (with photos)

     The䩕Hang Seng Bank ﷿ Help the Police Fight Youth Crime Competition 2016蒅was launched today (March 22). Under the theme of 䩕Fight Crime Together for a Better Tomorrow蒅, the competition aims at conveying three key anti-crime messages of anti-drug, anti-cyber crime and anti-quick cash crime.
     Speaking at the launch ceremony, the Commissioner of Police, Mr Lo Wai-chung, said that the number of youngsters committing crime had decreased in recent years, showing the effectiveness of the Police strategy and efforts on youth crime prevention. The Police will continue to join hands with the community and strengthen the efforts to combat juvenile crimes.
     With more innovative elements and fun computer games introduced to the competition this year, Mr Lo hoped that participants can enjoy the competition while assisting the Police spread anti-crime messages with their creativity.
     Also officiating at the ceremony, Executive Director and Head of Global Banking and Markets of Hang Seng Bank, Mr Andrew Fung, said that the bank places strong emphasis on youth development and nurturing good life values among young people. He added that, through the competition, the bank hopes to promote anti-crime messages and encourage young people to take a positive attitude in their interactions with their family, school friends and teachers, and the community at large.
     Introduced in 1975, the biennial competition is one of the major crime prevention programmes organised by the Police and has been supported by Hang Seng Bank since 1994, aiming to raise youngsters﷿ alertness to juvenile crimes and foster a strong Police-community partnership in the fight against youth crime. The competition has been well-received and it attracted about 290,000 participants in 2014.
     The competition consists of four categories: the Primary Group (Primary 4-6), Secondary Group (Form 1-6), Tertiary Group (Full-time tertiary students) and a newly added Open Group (aged below 25) this year.  
     The competition includes web game, four-cell manga drawing (Primary Group) and micro film script writing (Secondary, Tertiary and Open Groups). Winners will be awarded cash prizes or book coupons, and have an opportunity to represent Hong Kong as fight crime ambassadors to join a leadership training camp as well as an overseas exchange tour to the Netherlands during summer.  
     Entry forms are available at the Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB), Police Community Relations Offices, Junior Police Call (JPC) clubs and Public Enquiry Service Centres of the Home Affairs Department. The forms can also be downloaded from the JPC website. Deadline for submissions is April 20.
     For details, please visit the competition website at and JPC Facebook page, or contact the PPRB on 2860 6155.

Ends/Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Issued at HKT 18:55


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