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Government Vaccination Programme Phase II to commence next week

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     To dovetail the second phase of the Government Vaccination Programme for 2015-16, all general out-patient clinics (GOPCs) of the Hospital Authority (HA) will start to provide free seasonal influenza vaccination to elderly persons in the community aged 65 or above from next Tuesday (November 10).

     The HA Chief Manager (Infection, Emergency and Contingency), Dr Liu Shao-haei, today (November 6) said that the HA started providing seasonal influenza vaccination to eligible persons on October 15.

     The vaccination service is provided at 73 GOPCs in the territory (addresses and telephone numbers of 73 GOPCs are accessible at the following link: Eligible elderly people can conveniently choose to receive the vaccination in any clinic near their home district. No prior booking is required.

     "Those eligible elderly persons who have follow-up appointments in GOPCs and specialist out-patient clinics in the coming few weeks can choose to receive the vaccination when they attend their scheduled appointments," Dr Liu added.

     "Eligible elderly people only need to bring valid documents including their Hong Kong identity card, vaccination records and the HA outpatient clinic appointment slip (if available) and approach the staff at the Registration Counter of the clinic. The staff will then arrange for the vaccination. The service hours for vaccination at GOPCs are from 9am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm every Monday to Friday, excluding evenings, weekends and public holidays. All out-patient clinics will display posters in prominent places to inform the public of the vaccination arrangements."

     Dr Liu also reminded elderly persons not to receive the vaccination if they have influenza symptoms, fever or severe illness. The vaccination is not suitable for anyone with the above symptoms. They should defer the vaccination until they have recovered. Members of the public can make enquiries via the HA hotline 2300 6555 during office hours or visit the website for detailed information.

Ends/Friday, November 6, 2015
Issued at HKT 17:38


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