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SCED exchanges views with Consul-General of Republic of Kazakhstan on business opportunities under "Belt and Road" initiative (with photo)

     The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Gregory So, today (October 5) met with the Consul-General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Hong Kong, Mr Anuarbek Argingazin, to strengthen bilateral ties and exchange views on how Kazakhstan and Hong Kong can work together to capitalise on the wealth of opportunities emerging from the "Belt and Road" initiative put forward by the Central Government.

     Mr So said Kazakhstan, located in the central part of Eurasia, has an important role to play under the "Belt and Road" initiative. Noting that the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr Nursultan Nazarbayev, had announced in November 2014 Kazakhstan's New Economic Policy "The Bright Road", which envisages extensive development of transport networks and logistics infrastructure in the country, Mr So took the opportunity to learn more about "The Bright Road" economic policy and its latest developments.

     Mr So also thanked the efforts of the Kazakhstan Consulate in promoting stronger bilateral relations with Hong Kong.

Ends/Monday, October 5, 2015
Issued at HKT 15:12


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