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Safe cycling campaign starts tomorrow

     Police will conduct a territory-wide campaign on safe cycling from tomorrow (July 29) to August 4 to raise public awareness of cycling safety.
     To promote safe cycling messages to cyclists and the public, Police officers distributed publicity leaflets at various locations throughout the territory prior to the campaign period. During the campaign, Police will take stringent actions against cycling offences.
     Police figures show that in January to June 2015, there were 1 269 traffic accidents involving bicycles, causing 1 313 casualties. When compared with 1 204 traffic accidents and 1 239 casualties in the same period of 2014, the figures increased by about five per cent and six per cent respectively. Five persons died in the accidents, an increase of two persons when compared with the corresponding period in 2014.
     A Police spokesman said, 䩕Once on the road, cyclists are obliged to obey all traffic laws which apply to drivers and are subject to the Road Traffic Ordinance. They should also take care of other road users.蒅
     Common cycling offences include failing to comply with traffic signs or road markings, riding on the pavement, carrying another person, carrying any animal or article which obstructs the cyclist's view, and riding without illuminating necessary lights at night or times of poor visibility.
     The spokesman reminded the public that traffic accidents can be fatal and urged cyclists to obey road traffic regulations and pay attention to road safety.

Ends/Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Issued at HKT 15:57


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