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Six people holding charged with conspiracy to cause explosion

     Five men and one woman were jointly holding charged with one count of 䩕Conspiracy to Cause Explosion蒅 today (June 16) upon further investigations by Police. They will appear before Kwun Tong Magistrates﷿ Court tomorrow (June 17). The remaining one male and three female arrestees were released on bail pending further investigations and are required to report back to Police in mid-July.

     The Police Organized Crime and Triad Bureau conducted arrest operation in various locations on the evening of June 14 and so far arrested 10 Hong Kong citizens, including six men and four women, aged from 21 to 58, in suspected connection with the case. Police investigation is still ongoing. The likelihood of further arrests is not excluded.

     In the light of this case and risk assessment, Police have launched an operation codenamed 䩕Jointbuilder蒅 today. Apart from stepping up patrol in various districts, officers will visit companies selling chemicals or chemical products to conduct investigation and take enforcement action to combat such crime if necessary. Police appeal to the public to inform Police under safety circumstances if they spot any suspicious persons or objects.

     Police also remind the public that manufacturing or conspiring to manufacture explosives is a very serious offence.  According to Section 54 of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap. 200), the maximum penalty upon conviction will be 20 years﷿ imprisonment.  Police emphasise that we have the confidence and ability to investigate such crime and members of the public should refrain from committing criminal acts.

Ends/Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Issued at HKT 20:10


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