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Territory-wide campaign to promote pedestrian safety

     The Police will run a one-week territory-wide pedestrian road safety campaign from today (January 21) to January 27, with a view to reducing traffic accidents involving pedestrians, in particular senior citizens, through education, publicity and enforcement.
     Stringent enforcement action will be taken during the campaign. The Police will issue summons against pedestrians who have jaywalked or committed other serious traffic offences. Verbal warnings will be given to those who have committed minor traffic offences.  Officers from the Police Regional Road Safety Teams will distribute publicity leaflets at various locations in the territory to enhance pedestrians﷿ road safety awareness and urge the public to comply with road traffic regulations.
     A Police spokesman said that common pedestrian offences included disobeying light signals; crossing within 15 metres of a footbridge, pedestrian subway or pedestrian crossing without using such facilities; and climbing over a kerbside fence or through a central reservation onto a carriageway.
     Police figures showed that from January to November 2014, there were 3 268 pedestrian casualties. Among them, 58 persons passed away, of which 42 were pedestrians aged 60 or above.

Ends/Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Issued at HKT 14:40


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