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GDETO opens exhibition in Haikou to promote Hong Kong (with photos)

     A seven-day large-scale Hong Kong exhibition opened in Haikou today (January 21). The exhibition makes extensive use of exhibits and videos to showcase Hong Kong's exciting city landscape, its vibrancy as an international metropolis and the richness of its culture, as well as the enterprising spirit and creativity of the Hong Kong people. Members of the public are welcome to visit the exhibition.

     Speaking at the exhibition's opening ceremony today, the Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong (GDETO) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mr Albert Tang, said, "The exhibition aims to give the people in Hainan a comprehensive understanding of Hong Kong's latest developments in various fronts, including the economy, trade and business, education, culture, environmental protection and tourism, as well as the participation of Hong Kong organisations in charitable activities on the Mainland."

     Other guests attending the opening ceremony included the Deputy Director-General of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Hainan Province, Ms Kang Baiying; officials of the Hainan Provincial and Haikou Municipal Governments; and representatives of co-organisers.

     Mr Tang said, "With the successful implementation of 'One Country, Two Systems' and the Basic Law, and with the Mainland as our hinterland, Hong Kong continues to enhance its status as an international financial, trade, shipping and tourism centre.

     "Hainan is a popular tourist destination for Hong Kong people, and many Hong Kong enterprises have investments in Hainan. The exhibition also showcases the contributions of Hong Kong enterprises to the economy and society of Hainan, demonstrating the benefits of the win-win co-operation between Hainan and Hong Kong."

     He added, "As Asia's world city, Hong Kong is well known for its business-friendly environment, free flow of capital, free trade and free market economy, diversified talent pool, world-class infrastructure and sound and independent legal system, as well as its low tax regime. With the above advantages, Hong Kong is a popular choice as the regional base for the international business community to manage business in the Asia-Pacific region.
It also serves as an ideal platform for Mainland companies to tap into overseas markets and 'go global'.

     "Enterprises in Hainan are encouraged to set up offices and raise capital in Hong Kong. In doing so, they can learn from the experience of the world's leading corporations in Hong Kong and further expand their business internationally."

     At the ceremony, Mr Tang said that the GDETO has launched a WeChat platform to enhance communication with the business community, non-government organisations, Mainland authorities and the general public. The platform provides easy access via mobile devices to information distributed by the GDETO, including the GDETO's weekly newsletter and upcoming events.

     The exhibition, being held at Seaview International Plaza in Haikou from today to January 27, is jointly organised by the GDETO of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Hainan Province. The Department of Commerce of Hainan Province, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Hainan Sub-Council and the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Haikou Municipality are co-organisers.

Ends/Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Issued at HKT 18:31


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