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Opening remarks by Police Chief Superintendent at press conference

     Following are the opening remarks by the Chief Superintendent of Police Public Relations Branch, Mr Hui Chun-tak, at the press conference today (November 14).  
     Today is the 48th day since the illegal road occupations began.  The daily lives and livelihoods of the general public have been seriously affected. The illegal occupiers﷿ lack of regard to the law and prolonged unlawful assembly and blockage of roads have caused severe impact on Hong Kong﷿s core value of the rule of law.
     On November 10, the Court of First Instance decided to extend the Injunction Orders on the blockage of roads in Mong Kok and access into CITIC Tower, Admiralty.  The court also authorized bailiffs to assist the plaintiffs in removing obstructions and that the bailiffs could request the assistance of Police when necessary.  The court further authorized Police to arrest those who obstruct the bailiffs in performing their duties.  When the parties concerned have completed the relevant procedures, Police will provide assistance at the request of the bailiffs.
     I notice that on the Internet there are some people inciting illegal road occupiers to obstruct the bailiffs in executing the Injunction Orders by making various requests or doing other acts at scene with a view to causing delays.  I need to point out that the bailiffs are authorized by the court to execute court orders.  Any act amounts to obstruction may render one liable to the offence of ﷿criminal contempt of court﷿.  Police will take resolute actions against those who violently charge the bailiffs when the bailiffs are executing their duties.
     On the other hand, there are some people who incite others to re-occupy the cleared areas or other sections of roads after the bailiffs have completed the removal actions in order to continue with the illegal occupation.  I must say that the general public will not accept such illegal acts in defiance of the rule of law.  I reiterate that Police are duty bound to take resolute actions to preserve public order and safeguard public safety if anyone occupies new sections of roads or those that have been cleared.
     Injunction Orders are solemn orders issued by the court that everyone should respect and obey.  I urge the illegal road occupiers to respect the rule of law, obey the court orders, remove obstacles and personal belongings, and to leave the areas promptly and peacefully so that the roads can be re-opened and public order restored.
     The second point I would like to talk about is the situation in the occupied area in Mong Kok.  Police always emphasize that the illegally occupied part of Mong Kok is a high risk area.  Radicals and troublemakers of different camps often provoke others to charge at Police line with a view to creating chaos.  
     On November 10, Police seized twelve metal planks and plastic shields at the staircase and rooftop of a building inside the occupied area.  Two days ago, Police found construction waste inside a tent and some people claimed that the waste was for fixing the tent.  Police at once advised those people to remove the waste but they refused.  At about 10am yesterday, Police officers made enquiry in that area but could not locate owners of the waste.  For the sake of public safety, Police officers seized 13 bags of construction waste containing stone and bricks and three bags of lime powder.  A notice has been posted at scene to urge the owner to contact Police for collection of those items.
     I must stress that Police will take resolute actions against those who obstruct Police officers in their execution of duties, or those who violently charge at Police line or use hard objects or other items to attack Police officers or others.  If there is violent situation with no other alternatives, Police will use minimum level of force necessary in order to maintain law and order, to preserve public safety and public order.
     I urge the illegal road occupiers not to provoke, obstruct or charge at Police.  I also urge other protestors, particularly students, to stay away from radical individuals and troublemakers.  Do not mix with them in the crowd and do not take part or be incited to take part in any acts of violence.  When Police officers are executing duties on the ground, do maintain a safe distance from them.  Do not charge at Police or put up resistance.   We do not want to see anyone, especially students, being hurt when they place themselves close to radical individuals and troublemakers during violent acts.
     I would like to sum up today﷿s key messages.  Firstly, the Court of First Instance has extended the Injunction Orders concerning access into CITIC Tower, Admiralty and the occupied area in Mong Kok.  Police respect decision of the court and would comply with the directions accordingly.  When the concerned parties have completed the relevant procedures, Police will render assistance at the request of the bailiffs.  Once again, I urge protestors to respect the court orders, to remove the obstacles as soon as possible and to stop the illegal occupation.
     Secondly, Mong Kok remains a high risk area. Members of the public should stay away from the occupied area. I urge illegal road occupiers not to provoke, obstruct or charge at Police. We do not want to see any confrontations leading to injuries, especially upon students.  I stress that Police will take resolute actions against radicals who violently charge at Police.
     Hong Kong Police is a professional law enforcement agency.  We are capable and determined to preserve public safety and public order. Police will remain united and steadfast in doing our very best to serve the public.

Ends/Friday, November 14, 2014
Issued at HKT 19:19


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