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Appointments to Endangered Species Advisory Committee

     The Government today (September 19) announced appointments to the Endangered Species Advisory Committee (ESAC) for the period from October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2016.

     The ESAC was established in accordance with the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap 586) to advise the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation on the administration of the ordinance.

     The following members will serve in the new term:

Professor Shaw Pang-chui (Chairman)
Ms Ophelia Chan Chiu-ling
Mr Chan Wing-suen
Dr Cheung Siu-gin
Dr Chiu Sein-tuck
Professor Kenneth Leung Mei-yee
Ms Erica Lo Lai-shan
Mr Tsang Kwok-keung
Ms Gabriella Wong Siu-ling
Ms Yu Li-hua
Professor Zhao Zhong-zhen
Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation with Deputy Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation as alternate Member
Commissioner of Customs and Excise with Assistant Commissioner of Customs and Excise (Boundary and Ports) as alternate Member
Assistant Director of Environmental Protection (Nature Conservation and Infrastructure Planning) with Senior Administrative Officer (Nature Conservation) as alternate Member
Assistant Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation (Conservation)

     The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department expresses its gratitude for the service and valuable contributions of the outgoing Chairman, Dr Paul Shin Kam-shing, and member, Professor Chu Lee-man.

Ends/Friday, September 19, 2014
Issued at HKT 11:01


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