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Deputy Commissioner of Police reviews passing-out parade at Police College (with photos)

     The Police Force has all along adhered to the 䩕people-based蒅 principle in staff management by investing immense resources in training, the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Management), Mr Ma Wai-luk, said today (September 6) when inspecting a passing-out parade of the Hong Kong Police College.
     Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Ma said that all graduates had gone through the foundation training provided by the Police College and had acquired basic knowledge and practical skills to deliver police duties, adding that they would be offered a variety of on-the-job training. He encouraged them to gain experience from daily work and pursue life-long learning with a view to striving for excellence and providing quality service to the public.
     Mr Ma drew an analogy between policing career and a book. 䩕The Police College has written the preface of your book and you are going to decide the content of it,蒅 he said. He believed that the graduates would mark the challenges and achievements derived from daily work with sweat, beefing up their own book with enthusiasm and perseverance.
     䩕As police duties are varied and complicated, it is impossible for the Force to set out rules and regulations for you to follow in all circumstances. However, if you can observe strictly the behavioural guidelines in respect of Integrity and Honesty values issued by the Force and take the "Four Way Values" judgment model as your personal guidance, you will surely develop along the right path.
     䩕With drastic changes in social environment nowadays, the public has increasing expectation of the Force. You have to endure great pressure under adverse circumstances in your daily work, but the efforts you made might not be always recognised by all members of the public,蒅 Mr Ma said.
     He shared with the graduates a couplet, hoping it would inspire them to go about things and get along with others in future. The first line is 䩕Make noble wishes. Build good relationships. Live a simple life.蒅 The second line is 䩕Stand on high grounds. Be down to earth. Take a right path.蒅
     He encouraged graduates to learn how to strike a balance among work, family, friends and personal interests. With the wisdom of balancing life, they will be able to cope with the pressure from work and life with ease, get to enjoy life and gain job satisfaction.
     To conclude, Mr Ma said upon his retirement, he thanked the Force for his career development as well as his colleagues for their encouragement, support and care. He found great satisfaction and took pride in serving in such a professional, responsible and caring Police Force for 37 years.
     A total of 39 probationary inspectors and 190 recruit constables passed out today.

Ends/Saturday, September 6, 2014
Issued at HKT 14:10


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