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New Vision Arts Festival to showcase boundless creativity (with photos)

     The biennial New Vision Arts Festival, celebrating its seventh edition this year, will present an array of innovative performances from top local and overseas arts groups and showcase the creativity of cross-boundary collaboration.

     Organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the New Vision Arts Festival will run from October 16 to November 16.

     Opening the festival will be "Political Mother: New Vision Arts Festival Uncut" by Hofesh Shechter Company from the UK. "Political Mother", which has swept through major dance festivals around the world, is a pulsating fusion of classical and rock music that provides an unforgettable experience. A successful figure on the international dance stage, Israeli-born Hofesh Shechter will create new sections for the Hong Kong performances, featuring talented local musicians. The programme will be held from October 16 to 18 at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Grand Theatre.

     Master director of Japanese contemporary theatre Yukio Ninagawa will lead a group of elderly performers from the Saitama Gold Theater to present a breathtaking acting revolution in "Ravens, We Shall Load Bullets". The programme will be held from November 14 to 16 at the Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium.

     This year marks the first time that the New Vision Arts Festival has acted as producer. The festival will deliver a compelling interpretation of Henrik Ibsen's classic drama "Hedda Gabler". Directed by the eminent British director Adrian Noble and featuring leading Hong Kong theatrical talents, the production will traverse the complex psychology of a woman at odds with social convention. The programme will be held from November 6 to 9 at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Studio Theatre.

     The festival will also feature:

* "RICE" by Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan
* "The Kitchen" by Can & Abel Theatres (India)
* "ArtSnap", featuring cross-disciplinary art performances
* "4" and "5" by TAO Dance Theater
* "Black Monday" by O Theatre Workshop
* "Our Immortal Cantata", a cappella theatre production by Yat Po Singers
* "The Common Cold" by Hong Kong Repertory Theatre
* "0餃2" by Zuni Icosahedron

     Apart from presenting performances, the festival will also offer extension activities including exhibitions, talks, masterclasses, a backstage tour, meet-the-artist sessions, a Young Critic-in-Residence Scheme and an outdoor programme.

     Festival leaflets are now available at URBTIX outlets. Tickets will be available from September 5, while programme brochures will be available from September 4.

     Programme enquiries can be made on 2370 1044 or at the website

Ends/Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Issued at HKT 16:32


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