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Former Secretary for Justice encourages young persons in custody to set target for rehabilitation and contribution to the community (with photo)

     Former Secretary for Justice, Mr Wong Yan Lung, SC, participated in the guest interview session of the "Youth Broadcasting Programme ﷿ Shall We Talk" at Pik Uk Correctional Institution today (July 2). He encouraged young persons in custody to set a target for rehabilitation and to make positive contributions to the community in future.

     During the interview, Mr Wong encouraged young persons in custody to build up a positive attitude towards life by sharing his experience. Persons in custody participating in the programme said they had learned a lot from the interview with Mr Wong and thanked him for his support and encouragement.

     Mr Wong said he believed the programme was an effective medium to convey public support to the young persons in custody, adding that the positive messages thus received would consolidate their faith in rehabilitation and let them know that they were not alone in their efforts to rejoin the community.

     The Head of Pik Uk Correctional Institution, Mr Ko Pun-ho said, "The 'Youth Broadcasting Programme ﷿ Shall We Talk' is an essential component of the 'Character Development Programme' for young offenders. They produce the audio programme under the guidance of rehabilitation staff and volunteers to explore various issues which would enable them to reflect on their lives and bring about a positive impact on the rehabilitation process."

     The "Youth Broadcasting Programme ﷿ Shall We Talk" was launched in 2011. Distinguished guests such as actor Mr Andy Lau, the Vice Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Joseph Sung; and Hong Kong athletes Mr Wong Kam-po, Ms Rebecca Chiu and Ms Yu Chui-yee have participated in the programme's guests interview session. In addition to guest interviews, the audio programmes also feature songs, dramas and interest workshops. The recorded programmes are broadcast in eight young offender correctional institutions, conveying support for rehabilitation to young persons in custody from various sectors in the community.

Ends/Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Issued at HKT 18:25


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