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Special traffic arrangements on Hong Kong Island for public processions

     Police will implement special traffic arrangements to facilitate public processions to be held on Hong Kong Island tomorrow (June 21) and Sunday (June 22).

     The following roads will be intermittently closed from 1.30pm onwards tomorrow until the crowd is dispersed:

 -  Westbound Hennessy Road;

 -  Northbound Fenwick Street;

 -  Westbound Lockhart Road; and

 -  Northbound Arsenal Street.

     On Sunday, the following roads will be intermittently closed from noon onwards until the crowd is dispersed:

 -  Westbound Marble Road;

 -  Southbound Kam Hong Street;

 -  Westbound King﷿s Road;

 -  Westbound Causeway Road;

 -  Westbound Irving Street;

 -  Northbound Pennington Street;

 -  Westbound Yee Wo Street; and

 -  Westbound Hennessy Road.

      Vehicles may not be permitted to leave or enter car parks along the procession routes during the road closure period.

Ends/Friday, June 20, 2014
Issued at HKT 15:30


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