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Public urged to cherish food over Chinese New Year holiday - not to be a Big Waster! (with photos)

     As Chinese New Year approaches, families and friends will be having meals together to celebrate the festival. However, people often prepare or order too much over the holiday period, thus causing food wastage. The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) encourages every family to cherish food while celebrating the festival and not to be a Big Waster!

     Widespread public participation is needed to help avoid food wastage. For example, people should make an accurate estimate before meals and only order or prepare a suitable number of dishes. In this way, people can avoid generating food waste and leaving uneaten food, which might end up in the landfills after the celebrations. Unavoidable and surplus edible food should be donated to food recycling organisations.

     The EPD has arranged for Big Waster, a character who symbolises food wastage in the Food Wise Hong Kong Campaign, to make appearances in Causeway Bay, Mong Kok, and Shatin for five days starting from today (January 25). Big Waster will meet and interact with members of the public to promote a green Chinese New Year. Dressed as the God of Wealth, Big Waster will also perform with dancers and sing Chinese New Year songs with a food waste reduction theme. Big Waster will also take pictures with visitors before a festive backdrop and distribute spring couplets. Members of the public are invited to come along and celebrate a green Chinese New Year.

     Details of the promotional activity are as follows:

Date           Time           Venue
January 25     4pm﷿7pm       Pedestrian zone at
(Saturday)                    Great George Street,
                              Causeway Bay  

January 26     5pm﷿7.30pm    Pedestrian zone at
(Sunday)                      Sai Yeung Choi Street
                              South, Mong Kok

January 27     6.30pm﷿9.30pm Victoria Park,
(Monday)                      Causeway Bay
                              (outside Lunar
                              New Year Fair)

January 28     6.30pm﷿9.30pm Victoria Park,
(Tuesday)                     Causeway Bay
                              (outside Lunar
                              New Year Fair)    

January 29     6.30pm﷿9pm    Outside Shatin MTR
(Wednesday)                   Station, Exit B  

     We wish every member of the public a green and happy Chinese New Year. Don't be a Big Waster in the Year of Horse!

Ends/Saturday, January 25, 2014
Issued at HKT 19:24


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