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Employers and employees reminded to take precautions during cold weather

     According to the Hong Kong Observatory's forecast, the weather will be cold in the next few days. The Labour Department today (December 27) reminded employers and employees to take appropriate precautions during the cold weather.

     Employers and employees should pay special attention to work during the cold weather, particularly for employees having to work outdoors or in remote areas, and for those suffering from heart, respiratory or chronic medical conditions. They could take the following precautions:


(1) Take heed of the weather report and remind employees to wear appropriately warm clothing at work. For employees wearing a uniform, additional warm clothing should be provided when necessary;

(2) Reschedule outdoor work or work in remote areas to warmer periods in the daytime, such as noon, or warmer days, where practicable;

(3) Make arrangements for employees to, where practicable, rotate from outdoor to indoor or sheltered work sites within the shift to reduce their exposure to the cold weather;

(4) Remind employees to stay alert to their health condition during outdoor work in the cold weather, and seek the attention of their supervisors as appropriate; and

(5) Provide hot drinking water or other beverages for employees.


(1) Employees should be mindful of their health when working outdoors in cold weather and should notify their supervisors and seek medical help if feeling unwell from conditions such as cold limbs, shivering or goose bumps (chicken skin);

(2) Take note of the weather report and wear appropriately warm clothing at work, particularly when working outdoors or in remote areas;

(3) Consume sufficient food and drink with a high calorie content, e.g. hot drinking water, hot tea and hot food; and

(4) Perform exercises to improve circulation and produce heat.

     The Labour Department has published a leaflet entitled "Health Guide for Working during the Cold Weather" to provide guidance for employers and employees to minimise the risks of working during the cold weather. The leaflet can be obtained free of charge from the offices of the Occupational Health Service of the Labour Department, or downloaded from the website at (

     For enquiries, please call the Labour Department Hotline 2717 1771.

Ends/Friday, December 27, 2013
Issued at HKT 17:41


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