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Award Presentation for Green Delight in Estates organised by Housing Authority and Green Groups (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Housing Authority:

     Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA), in partnership with three green groups ﷿ Friends of the Earth (HK), The Conservancy Association, and Business Environment Council, had earlier organised a "Food Waste Has Value ﷿ Innovative Cooking Recipe Competition" in all public housing estates. The award presentation ceremony of the competition was held today (May 25).

     The HA has been co-organising the community environmental education programme "Green Delight in Estates" with green groups for many years. Under the main theme of reduction of municipal solid waste this year, the "Food Waste Has Value- Innovative Cooking Recipe Competition" was held between February and March this year to encourage the tenants to make good use of all food ingredients in their cooking, thus reducing food waste at source. The competition drew fervent support and received more than 150 innovative recipes.

     Officiating at the ceremony, the Secretary for Transport and Housing cum HA Chairman, Professor Anthony Cheung Bing-leung said the HA had organised the "Cherish Food with Rewards" campaign in all HA public housing estates to echo the "World Food Day" last October, and invited tenants to pledge and practise food cherishing actions in their daily lives. Recently, the HA and the three green groups collaborated to produce a short film "Everybody has Their Own Way to Save Food" which has been broadcast at all HA public housing estates beginning in mid-May. More efforts will continue in organising educational activities on saving food.

     Another officiating guest, the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, said that Hong Kong is facing serious food waste pressure, and 40% of the municipal solid waste in landfills is food waste.  He stressed that with greater consciousness, most food waste could be avoided. The government is now implementing the Food Wise Hong Kong Campaign, which aims to reduce 10% of the food waste from the source. He believes that through the support from different sectors of the community, the amount of food waste could be reduced even more significantly.

     Professor Cheung and Mr Wong demonstrated how to cook "Abundant Spring Rolls" at the ceremony. The dish was prepared from left-over cooked ingredients of Chinese soup which fully demonstrated that with some innovation, left-over food can be turned into gourmet dishes.

     Other guests at the ceremony today include the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Housing) cum the Director of Housing, Mr Duncan Pescod, the Director (General Affairs) of Friends of the Earth (HK), Mr Edwin Lau; the Deputy Chief Executive of the Conservancy Association, Mr Rico Wong; and the Chief Executive Officer of Business Environment Council, Ms Agnes Li.

     The HA has organised many waste reduction education programmes throughout the years under the "Green Delight in Estates", including waste separation by floor, and exchange carnivals for unused items.

Ends/Saturday, May 25, 2013
Issued at HKT 15:01


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