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STH visits SRPA (with photos)

     The Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Authority (SRPA) today (April 29) starts enforcing the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance.

     The Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance, which aims to further enhance the transparency and fairness of the sales arrangements and transactions of first-hand residential properties, and provide better protection to purchasers and a level playing field for vendors of first-hand residential properties, also comes into effect today.

     The Secretary for Transport and Housing, Professor Anthony Cheung Bing-leung, accompanied by the Director of the SRPA, Mr Eugene Fung, visited SRPA Resource Centre this afternoon. He has also made use of the "Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Electronic Platform" to look at the sales brochures and price lists of individual first-hand residential developments, the sales of which are subject to the Ordinance.

     Moreover, Professor Cheung met with the SRPA staff and encouraged them to do their utmost to ensure that the sales of first-hand residential properties are transparent and fair, and to protect the interest of purchasers.

     The SRPA is established under section 86(1) of the Ordinance. It is part of the Transport and Housing Bureau and has 32 staff. The SRPA is responsible for monitoring vendors' compliance with the Ordinance when selling first-hand residential properties, handling complaints and public enquiries on matters relevant to the Ordinance, conducting investigations, carrying public education and publicity work, issuing practice guidelines for stakeholders and setting up and maintaining an electronic database containing the sales brochures, price lists, and registers of transactions of individual first-hand residential developments which are subject to the Ordinance.

     The Resource Centre of the SRPA is located at Unit E, 31/F, E-trade Plaza, 24 Lee Chung Street, Chai Wan. The Centre keeps for public viewing hardcopies of sales brochures and price lists of individual first-hand residential developments, the sales of which are subject to the Ordinance. It is opened to the public from 9am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.45pm from Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

Ends/Monday, April 29, 2013
Issued at HKT 20:09


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