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Speech by CE at opening of International IT Fest 2013 cum Hong Kong ICT Awards 2013 Awards Presentation Ceremony (English only) (with photos/video)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, at the opening of the International IT Fest 2013 cum Hong Kong ICT Awards 2013 Awards Presentation Ceremony at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre this evening (April 8):

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good evening.

     It is my great pleasure to join you all for the opening of Hong Kong's first ever International IT Fest cum Hong Kong ICT Awards Presentation Ceremony.

     Over the next two weeks the IT Fest will showcase Hong Kong's latest exciting developments in information and communications technologies (ICT).

     Innovation and technology is a driver for our social and economic development.

     The HKSAR Government is committed to cultivating innovation and technology in Hong Kong, to enhance our competitiveness in the global environment and improve our quality of life. Over the years we have made great strides in ICT. Hong Kong has become a major ICT hub in the region, with international rankings consistently putting Hong Kong at the forefront of development. Our achievements are testimony to the concerted efforts of the Government, industry, academia and our whole community.

     With the Government's liberalisation policy, Hong Kong's telecommunications infrastructure is now among the most sophisticated in the world, offering a wide range of high-speed, innovative and secure services at competitive prices. With our robust ICT infrastructure and tech-savvy culture, Hong Kong is well positioned to pilot new innovations and technologies such as cloud computing services and mobile apps development. I am also delighted that many of our ICT talents are keenly interested in developing start-up enterprises, and the Government will continue to provide the ground for the start-ups to breed innovative ideas and intuitive products.  Added to these is of course the rapid and ubiquitous adoption of ICT in the local community, which provides the environment conducive to ICT development in Hong Kong.

     All these competitive advantages of Hong Kong have enabled this sector to develop into an industry of its own, and Hong Kong has embraced this transition with a business-friendly environment and tech-savvy workforce. Our ICT sector is now a major contributor to Hong Kong's economy. There are some 15,400 ICT enterprises in Hong Kong. Business receipts and other income of the ICT sector amounted to HK$1,260 billion. The value added of the ICT sector amounted to $92.5 billion, representing 5.4 per cent of Hong Kong's Gross Domestic Product, as of 2010.

     Importantly, our high quality ICT products have ventured into the global marketplace with great success.

     Riding on these achievements, the Government is pleased to join hands with the ICT industry to organise Hong Kong﷿s inaugural International IT Fest.

     This evening, at the opening of the IT Fest, the Hong Kong ICT Awards pays tribute to outstanding local ICT products and solutions. I do emphasise the local ICT products and solutions. Over the years, the Hong Kong ICT Awards has been a springboard for winners to achieve international acclaim, establish their reputations, and expand into the global market.

     With this excellent track record, the Hong Kong ICT Awards attracted over 600 entries this year in 10 award categories. The winners' products and solutions are impressive and innovative and demonstrate very high standards.

     I would like to congratulate the winners of this year's Hong Kong ICT Awards. I also wish everyone a successful and fruitful International IT Fest.

     Thank you.

Ends/Monday, April 8, 2013
Issued at HKT 19:38


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