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Review of allowances to jurors and witnesses

     The Government Gazette published today (November 9) the Allowances to Jurors (Amendment) Order 2012 made by the Chief Executive in Council on October 30 under section 31 of the Jury Ordinance.  The Order aims at increasing the rates of allowances for jurors. It will be tabled at the Legislative Council (LegCo) on November 14 for negative vetting.

     Separately, the Criminal Procedure Rules Committee made the Criminal Procedure (Witnesses' Allowances) (Amendment) Rules 2012 on October 26 under section 9B of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance, and Chief Justice made the Coroners (Witnesses' Allowances) (Amendment) Rules 2012 on October 25 under section 54 of the Coroners Ordinance to increase the rates of allowances for witnesses in criminal proceedings and coroners' inquests respectively.  The intention is to seek the approval of the LegCo for these two sets of Rules on November 28, 2012.

     A Government spokesman said, "The increases aim at maintaining the real value of the rates of allowances to minimise any financial loss suffered by members of the public serving as jurors in courts or testifying as witnesses.  The proposed rates of allowances (see Annex for details) have been worked out on the basis of the adjustment mechanism approved by the Finance Committee of the LegCo."

     In October 1993, when approving the rates of allowances for jurors and witnesses, the Finance Committee approved that future changes in the rates of allowances for jurors and witnesses be made in accordance with the movements of the following indices:

(a) rates for jurors and ordinary witnesses ﷿ to be made in accordance with the movements in the median monthly earnings of employees in Hong Kong; and

(b) rates for professional and expert witnesses ﷿ to be made in accordance with the changes in the mid-point salary of a Medical and Health Officer of the Government.

     Subject to completion of the relevant legislative process, the revised rates of allowances for jurors and witnesses will take effect on a date to be specified by the Chief Justice.

Ends/Friday, November 9, 2012
Issued at HKT 10:19


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