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Cantonese musical "Romeo and Harriet" offers fun introduction to Shakespeare classic (with photos)

     Clerks of the high-end Montague's Department Store and the cheapo Capulet's Discount Mart meet in the street to trade vicious insults, using words as their daggers. Then, Romeo and Harriet, the heirs to these two retail empires, fall in love... But don't start thinking you know the rest of the story. This hilarious musical, set in modern-day Hong Kong, has a happy ending.

     "Romeo and Harriet", to be performed this month by the Hong Kong 3 Arts Musical Institute, is an outrageous parody of Shakespeare's classic "Romeo and Juliet". With pie fights in place of duels, and Romeo dressed in a white leisure suit ⷳ la John Travolta in "Saturday Night Fever", this musical is filled with fun, catchy songs and exciting dance. It is an entertaining treat for audiences of all ages.

     "Romeo and Harriet" is one of the programmes of the large-scale summer International Arts Carnival presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. It will be staged from August 10 to 12.

     The Hong Kong 3 Arts Musical Institute conducted auditions and recruited 24 young people aged between 14 and 23 to join a series of workshops. Under the guidance of professional tutors and artists, the young performers have received intensive drama, vocal and dance training, and they will participate in the finale performance of "Romeo and Harriet" together with four professional actors and actresses.

     The youth musical theatre workshop cum finale performance "Romeo and Harriet", presented in Cantonese, will be staged on August 10 and 11 at 7.30pm and on August 12 at 3pm at the Hong Kong City Hall Theatre. Tickets priced at $110, $150 and $190 are now available at URBTIX.

     Half-price tickets are available for full-time students, senior citizens, people with disabilities and their minders, and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients. Booking discounts of up to 20 per cent are available for full-price performing arts/film programmes.

     Programme brochures are available at URBTIX outlets or at the carnival website,

     For programme enquiries, please call 2370 1044. Internet bookings can be made at Telephone credit card bookings can be made on 2111 5999.

Ends/Friday, August 3, 2012
Issued at HKT 16:35


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