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Statement by FEHD

     Following is a statement issued by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) following the incident at the Fa Yuen Street hawker permitted area yesterday (December 23):

     The FEHD condemned the behaviour of the hawkers in Fa Yuen Street hawker permitted area. Following the fire at the hawker stalls in Fa Yuen Street resulting in fatal injuries on November 30, the FEHD had repeatedly urged and warned the hawkers in the Street to keep the emergency access free from obstruction and not to block the access with commodities. The department had issued a statement on the focus of the enforcement action.

     Some of the hawkers completely ignored the basic requirements of reducing the fire risk last night. The FEHD will continue to carry out stringent enforcement action.

Ends/Saturday, December 24, 2011
Issued at HKT 00:51


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