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HKSAR delegation to attend women's forum in Beijing

     A delegation from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) departed for Beijing this morning (November 9) to attend the International Forum on Women and Sustainable Development, to be held from today until Friday (November 11).

     Organised by the All-China Women's Federation, the forum provides an opportunity for representatives of various countries and regions to share their experiences regarding the advancement of women and sustainable development, and to discuss the best way forward and future developments in this context. The forum will also review the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action to prepare for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Brazil next year.

     The 20-strong HKSAR delegation is led by the Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Paul Tang, and comprises representatives of the Labour and Welfare Bureau, the Women's Commission and various women's groups. The Environment Bureau and the Council for Sustainable Development will also be represented.

     The delegation will attend the opening ceremony of the forum this evening and participate in various sessions tomorrow (November 10) and on Friday. Major sessions of the forum are as follows:

Date000Session      Theme
----      -------      -----
November  Plenary I:   Commitments and Actions:
10        High-Level   Country Experiences towards
          Session      Sustainable Development

          Plenary II:  Sustainable Development Policy
          Panel 1      and Planning - Women's Voices
          Plenary III: Green Economy and Corporate
          Panel 2      Social Responsibility:
                       Opportunities and Challenges

November  Plenary IV:  Innovation for Sustainable
11        Panel 3      Development - Women's Role

     Mr Tang will talk about Hong Kong's experience and progress made in promoting sustainable development and gender mainstreaming at the High-Level Session in Plenary I, while the Chairperson of the Women's Commission, Ms Sophia Kao, will act as moderator of the discussion panel in Plenary II.
     The delegation will return to Hong Kong on Friday.

Ends/Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Issued at HKT 11:59


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