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CE starts visit to US (with photos)

     The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, started his visit to the United States today (November 7, New York time), ahead of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) Economic Leaders﷿ Meeting to be held in Honolulu later this month.

     On arrival in New York, Mr Tsang addressed a reception hosted by the Council on Foreign Affairs attended by renowned academics, economists and opinion shapers.

     Speaking on Hong Kong's unique role in today's world and in the future relationship between the US and China, he said Hong Kong would continue to be the premier gateway to Mainland China.

     "The top five reasons for overseas companies choosing the city are a low and simple tax system, free flow of information, corruption-free government, an absence of exchange controls and a strong network of soft and hard infrastructure.

     "These attributes, underpinned by 'One Country, Two System', are the foundation of our role as a gateway into and out of Mainland China. A gateway not only for business, finance and investment, but also a two-way flow of people, ideas, innovation, creativity and culture," Mr Tsang said.

     He encouraged the US to capitalise on Hong Kong's unique position to deepen trade ties with high-growth markets, including Mainland China, in order to meet its export goals.

     "Last year, about 12 per cent of trade between the US and Mainland China, valued at US$46 billion, was routed through Hong Kong. Despite the global economic turmoil, our bilateral trade last year grew 20 per cent year-on-year to reach US$66 billion,蒅 the Chief Executive said.

     Mr Tsang will proceed to Boston and Washington, DC in the coming days, and will attend the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Honolulu from November 11 to 13.

Ends/Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Issued at HKT 10:56


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