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STH inspects passing-out parade at Hong Kong Police College (with photos)

     The graduates had learnt not only the knowledge and skills but also acquired the vision, mission and values of the Force upon their completion of training, Secretary for Transport and Housing, Ms Eva Cheng, said today (September 24) when inspecting a passing-out parade at the Hong Kong Police College.

     The graduates were ready to deliver their service faithfully according to the law, uphold the laws of Hong Kong, execute the powers and duties of their office without fear or favour, and help achieve the goal of making Hong Kong one of the safest and most secure cities in the world, she said.

     Ms Cheng noted that Police had always worked closely with the Transport and Housing Bureau on road safety and traffic management.  

     䩕 In view of the surge in arrest cases involving drug driving, we submitted a bill to the Legislative Council in mid-2011 to introduce more stringent control and give Police the necessary enforcement power so as to combat drug driving more effectively.  When the new legislation comes into effect, I trust that Police colleagues will enforce it dutifully.蒅

     Meanwhile, she pointed out that the rapid development of the society had seen rising expectations of the general public on police officers, adding that any words or actions could easily be 䩕shared蒅 on the Internet amid the free and instant flow of information nowadays.

     Citing a Confucius quote 䩕person of integrity is watchful over himself when he is alone蒅, she reminded the graduates to watch out for their word and deed while executing duties diligently.

     The quote suggests that the integrity of an individual is subject to the severest test when he is alone as what he says and what he does are free from other people﷿s supervision. A person of high integrity always stays alert even if he is in solitude.  

     Ms Cheng noted that the public expected that while Police should enforce the law strictly, they should also take into account actual circumstances, and follow the principles of lawfulness, fairness and reasonableness.

     She encouraged the graduates to use the teachings in the Book of Micah of the Bible ﷿ 䩕act justly, love mercy and walk humbly蒅- as a yardstick to help form their judgement.
     A total of 30 probationary inspectors and 234 recruit constables passed out today.

Police Report No. 10

Ends/Saturday, September 24, 2011
Issued at HKT 13:38


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