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LegCo Public Accounts Committee to hold public hearing on May 5

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council Public Accounts Committee will hold a public hearing on "Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games" (Chapter No.5) of the Director of Audit's Report No.56 next Thursday (May 5) at 8.30am in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building.

     A total of seven government officials and two representatives of related organisations will be invited to appear before the Committee to respond to points raised in the Report and answer questions asked by members of the Committee.

     The programme for the public hearing is as follow:

May 5, 2011 (Thursday)
Venue: Chamber
8.30am to 10.30am

Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games
(Chapter No.5 of the Director of Audit's Report No.56)

Mr Tsang Tak-sing
Secretary for Home Affairs

Mr Jonathan McKinley
Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs (2)

Mrs Betty Fung
Director of Leisure and Cultural Services

Mr Bobby Cheng
Deputy Director of Leisure and Cultural Services (Leisure Services)

Miss Olivia Chan
Assistant Director (Leisure Services) 2
Leisure and Cultural Services Department

Ms Julia Leung
Acting Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury

Mr Stanley Ying
Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Treasury)

Hon Timothy Fok Tsun-ting
Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China

Mr Johnny Woo
Former Chief Executive Officer
2009 East Asian Games (Hong Kong) Limited

     The Public Accounts Committee is chaired by Dr Hon Philip Wong Yu-hong, and its Deputy Chairman is Hon Paul Chan Mo-po. Other members include Hon Andrew Cheng Kar-foo, Hon Abraham Shek Lai-him, Hon Ronny Tong Ka-wah, Hon Cyd Ho Sau-lan and Hon Starry Lee Wai-king.

Ends/Friday, April 29, 2011
Issued at HKT 16:43


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