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Young Astronaut Training Camp seeks nomination of participants in May

     This year the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, the China Astronaut Research and Training Center, and the Xichang Satellite Launch Center are again jointly organising the Young Astronaut Training Camp to provide an opportunity for local students to learn about space science and technology. The camp will be open for the nomination of participants by local secondary schools from May 1 until May 31. The programme is sponsored by the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, implemented by the Hong Kong Space Museum and organised in association with the Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre.

     The Curator of the Space Museum, Mr Chan Ki-hung, noted that building on the success of the Young Astronaut Training Camp held in the past two years, the LCSD and other parties have again combined to run this year﷿s training camp, and aim to provide an opportunity for secondary school students to learn more about China's remarkable achievements in space technology, motivate and educate them in astronomy and space science, and undergo Chinese astronaut training.

     "It is planned to run the seven-day training camp from August 2 to 8 in Beijing. The quota is limited to 30. Candidates should be full-time secondary school students aged 12 or above and be nominated by their schools. Each school can nominate no more than two students for selection," Mr Chan said.

     Regarding the selection criteria, Mr Chan said that the candidates should be 1.4 to 1.75 metres in height and in good health, independent, extrovert, confident, disciplined, get along with people easily and be interested in space science. Those with proficiency in Putonghua will be given priority.

     He added, "There will be three rounds of selection including a quiz in relation to topics on astronomy and space science, three-day fitness training, and an interview to assess candidates﷿ response and communication skills as well as language competency. Those who perform well in these areas will be selected to join the camp."

     Participants of the Young Astronaut Training Camp will be able to visit major space facilities in China, including the China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center, the National Astronomical Observatories, and Xichang Satellite Launch Center. They will be taught basic space science and technology, and undergo astronaut training, which includes wearing a spacesuit, space kitchen, psychological training, escape and survival training and blood redistribution adaptability training. The training is necessary for active Chinese astronauts. It helps candidates better understand the training process. After completion of the training, they will be given an examination and presented with certificates.

     For details of the training camp, please visit the museum's website at or call 2721 0226.

Ends/Sunday, April 17, 2011
Issued at HKT 15:30


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