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Speech by CE at HKUST 20th anniversary celebration reception (English only)(with photos/video)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, at the 20th anniversary celebration reception of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre this evening (April 8):

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     I am delighted to join you all in celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

     My congratulations to everyone involved in HKUST's remarkable success story.

     In just two decades the university has firmly established itself as a world-class seat of learning and the miracle continues.

     HKUST is ranked among the top 50 universities in the world and second in Asia.  The HKUST-Kellogg's Executive MBA programme is acclaimed as the world's top EMBA programme.

     This is no mean feat for a relatively young university.  Although rankings alone do not make a miracle, they do indicate the university's continuous drive towards excellence and new achievements.

     Another revealing indication is the widespread interest in replicating the university's recipe for success.  I would sum up this winning formula with the Chinese saying: ⽱ᑻၬ﯀썹, or, in English: right time, right place, and right people.

     In terms of timing, HKUST's birth and growth have coincided with an economic transformation in Hong Kong and our region.  It has also gone hand-in-hand with the development of a globalised knowledge economy.

     The university has captured this opportunity by placing a strong focus on science, technology and business.

     In terms of location, HKUST is most certainly in the right place.  Hong Kong is where East meets West, a gateway to the Mainland of China, and an international business and financial hub in Asia.

     The rise of our nation and our region has turned the spotlight on Hong Kong as a breeding ground for fresh talent and ideas.

     Above all, it is the "right" people who have made HKUST such a powerful force.  I still remember your founding president Professor Woo Chia-wei once said, "First-class people would bring other first-class people.  Second-class people would bring third-class people.  Third-class people would bring people without class."

     Recruiting first-class people from Hong Kong and around the world has been a cornerstone of HKUST's success.  Academic excellence has, in turn, attracted the best and brightest students both locally and from overseas.

     The establishment of HKUST has also helped usher in a period of rapid expansion in our tertiary education sector.  Today, our universities provide greater opportunities for students, offer more diversified academic programmes and strive for ever higher standards.

     This university has built its reputation on the back of a strong research culture.  I am also pleased that the private sector is making increasing investments in this area.

     Another feature of HKUST is its global outlook.  An international mix of faculty, research collaboration networks and exchange opportunities have become hallmarks of the school.

     These strong fundamentals are crucial to our goal of establishing Hong Kong as a regional centre of education.  They also help to develop and promote our high-quality education services.

     The Hong Kong Government is committed to fostering a flexible and diverse pathway to learning.  We also promote the parallel development of the publicly funded and the self-financing sectors.

     We estimate that by 2016, around one-third of our young people will have an opportunity to receive degree-level education.  The percentage of young people attending post-secondary programmes is expected to increase to about 65% of the age group.

     All these developments will give strong impetus to our long quest to transform Hong Kong into a knowledge-based society.  HKUST has an important role to play in this.

     Ladies and gentlemen, Hong Kong takes great pride in the HKUST miracle.  It demonstrates that with determination, a sound plan and clear goals, Hong Kong people can achieve great things.

     Apart from the outstanding academic leadership, HKUST has also benefited from visionary leaders serving on its Council.  A special tribute to Sir S Y Chung, the founding council president and Pro-Chancellor of HKUST.  He has played a pivotal role in turning vision into reality.

     Finally, a heart-felt "thank you" to everyone involved in the HKUST success story.  May the miracle continue for many years to come.

Ends/Friday, April 8, 2011
Issued at HKT 18:33


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