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EPD launches new website to share experiences on carbon reduction

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (April 2) launched a new Chinese website entitled "Carbon Reduction﷿Every Step Counts" to showcase successful experiences of emission reduction by organisations from different trades. Members of the public can share the fruits of these real-life cases by referring to the carbon reduction measures adopted to reduce energy, waste and water consumption.

     A spokesman for the EPD said the dedicated website could enhance the public and different sectors of the community's understanding of carbon reduction so that they can work together more proactively to tackle climate change.

     The "Carbon Reduction﷿Every Step Counts" website will feature, from different perspectives, the emission reduction measures adopted by 15 organisations that joined as "Carbon Audit ? Green Partners" in the "Green Hong Kong ? Carbon Audit" campaign. Among the successful stories, a newspaper organisation saved about $1 million in electricity bills and reduced carbon emissions by about 400 tonnes per year after using more energy-efficient lighting and other energy efficiency means. The Hong Kong Airport Authority, meanwhile, collected 72,000 litres of used cooking oil and turned them into more than 63,000 litres of biodiesel, thus reducing several hundred tonnes of carbon emissions. A housing estate underwent an improvement programme after having an energy and carbon audit and succeeded in saving nearly 1 gigawatt hours per year as well as cutting 660 tonnes of carbon emissions.  In the business sector, a textile mill replaced its dye vat and saved 700 tonnes of water per day. There is also an organisation that strives to develop a low carbon culture among its staff members who help disseminate environmentally friendly tips in everyday life to other members in the community. Thanks to this low carbon culture, it is expected that 9,900 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced in a year.

     The spokesman said carbon reduction measures could be applied in a wide range of areas.  Every organisation can adopt a variety of measures that suit its needs to save energy, reduce waste and water consumption as well as change the behaviour and working styles of its staff.  The general public can simply adjust their daily routines to adopt a low carbon lifestyle.

     "It is inevitable that in our daily lives we will release carbon dioxide and leave 'carbon footprints' on the environment. The ever increasing 'carbon footprint' is exacerbating the challenges of climate change. All sectors in the community should join hands to take prompt action to tackle the problem. We have to work step by step by starting from our daily lives and workplaces to reduce carbon emissions and make Hong Kong a greener city," the spokesman added.

     The EPD carried out the "Green Hong Kong ? Carbon Audit" campaign in July 2008. So far, around 160 signatories of the Carbon Reduction Charter as "Carbon Audit ? Green Partners" have pledged to take measures to reduce carbon emissions.

     For more information on the campaign, the public and organisations can visit the following two webpages: "Carbon Reduction﷿Every Step Counts" at and "Green Hong Kong ? Carbon Audit" at .

Ends/Friday, April 2, 2010
Issued at HKT 10:02


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