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Transcript of CE's remarks after Exco meeting (with video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks (English portion) by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, at a media session after the Executive Council meeting this morning (June 9):      

Chief Executive: The Executive Council has endorsed a vaccination programme for human swine influenza.

     Based on the recent development of disease transmission overseas and locally, we expect local transmission will inevitably take place in Hong Kong.  

     Although the virus appears mild for the time being, it could become more virulent if it mutates during the influenza season.  The consequences could be dire, and we should try our best to avert this.  

     Vaccine manufacturers have started developing swine flu vaccines.  We should act quickly to ensure an adequate and timely supply of vaccines.

     We have therefore decided to procure swine flu vaccines for health workers, children aged between six months and six years, elderly persons aged 65 and above, and persons with certain pre-existing medical conditions. The scheme will be free and voluntary.
     We will start work as soon as possible.  We will gather facts from vaccine manufacturers and prepare tenders for procurement, and we will seek funding approval from the Legislative Council later this month.

     To win this long battle against the human swine flu, the key is to stay alert and plan ahead at all times.   The Secretary for Food and Health will provide further details on the vaccination programmes in the afternoon.  

     I now turn to the drug problem among our young people.

     Young people are the most valuable asset of Hong Kong. And drug abuse is their number one enemy.   I pledge that the Government will spare no effort in combating the youth drug problem.

     The task force led by the Secretary for Justice earlier announced a comprehensive strategy to tackle youth drug problem.  The recommendations are being implemented.

     Meanwhile, like most other people in Hong Kong, I was deeply disturbed to learn the recent reports of drug abuse among some of our students.  They suggest that the problem is worsening.

     We will put in more resources to expedite the implementation of the needed measures.   I understand some of the proposals are controversial.  These include the proposal of drug testing for students.  The Secretary for Security will discuss with those schools which are interested in a voluntary testing scheme, to see whether some pilot schemes could be launched early.  The quicker we act, the more students we can save.

     My colleagues and I are in full agreement that youth drug abuse is a problem requiring urgent attention and solution.  The Secretary for Security will soon update you on the progress of our work.

     Thank you very much.

Reporter: Do you think that you actually played a big role in the record June 4th turnout last week?

Chief Executive: I think we respect people﷿s views and I have no comment to make on this matter.

Reporter: Do the police actually have the ability (to catch the person responsible for Mong Kok acid attacks)?

Chief Executive: Yes, they do.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Issued at HKT 11:15


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