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Hong Kong Monetary Authority Exchange Fund Bills Tender Results

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

Tender date                :  6 May 2008

Paper on offer              :  EF Bills

Issue number                :  Q0818

Issue date                  :  7 May 2008

Maturity date              :  6 August 2008

Amount applied              :  HK$17,230 MN

Amount allotted            :  HK$3,804 MN

Average yield accepted      :  0.86 PCT

Highest yield accepted      :  0.87 PCT

Pro rata ratio              :  About 43 PCT

Average tender yield        :  0.88 PCT

* * * * * * * * * *

Tender date                :  6 May 2008

Paper on offer              :  EF Bills

Issue number                :  H0863

Issue date                  :  7 May 2008

Maturity date              :  5 November 2008

Amount applied              :  HK$4,700 MN

Amount allotted            :  HK$1,300 MN

Average yield accepted      :  1.02 PCT

Highest yield accepted      :  1.04 PCT

Pro rata ratio              :  About 55 PCT

Average tender yield        :  1.06 PCT


Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Tenders to be held in the week beginning ﷿ 12 May 2008 :-

Tender date                :  13 May 2008

Paper on offer              :  EF Bills

Issue number                :  M0812

Issue date                  :  14 May 2008

Maturity date              :  16 June 2008

Tenor                      :  33 Days

Amount on offer            :  HK$400 MN

* * * * * * * * * *

Tender date                :  13 May 2008

Paper on offer              :  EF Bills

Issue number                :  Q0819

Issue date                  :  14 May 2008

Maturity date              :  13 August 2008

Tenor                      :  91 Days

Amount on offer            :  HK$4,619 MN

Ends/Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Issued at HKT 12:06


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