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FS' speech at opening ceremony of Hong Kong Gifts & Premium Fair 2008 (English only) (With photos and video)

    Following is the speech by the Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang, at the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong Gifts & Premium Fair 2008 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre this morning (April 28):

Jeffrey (Lam), Fred (Lam), Tom (Tang), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

    Good morning.

    I am delighted to join you for this year﷿s Gifts and Premium Fair. 

    First of all, a warm welcome to you all, and especially to those of you who have travelled from overseas to be here.  And I note there are quite a few of you out there.  I﷿m pleased to see so many friends returning to the Fair year after year.  Your presence is a huge vote of confidence for our city in hosting this important event.

    As Jeffrey (Lam) has mentioned, now in its 23rd year, the Fair has become the biggest event of its kind in the world, and is a must-attend item on the industry﷿s calendar. There are always new products and designs on display.

    This Fair is also about renewing contacts and making new friends so that we can continue to share ideas and information, and become more aware of the challenges and opportunities that are likely to come our way.

    Creating the right environment and atmosphere for this to happen has been an important part of the Fair﷿s successful evolution over the years.

    Another element has been our own emergence as a leading hub for giftware and premium products in the region, and, indeed, in the world.

    Last year, more than 50,000 buyers from 141 countries and regions passed through the Fair﷿s doors, and this year will be just as busy, if not more so.

    As Jeffrey (Lam) has just mentioned, we have around 3,900 exhibitors in more than 4,200 booths under one roof, a very large roof! The huge variety of products is testament to the industry﷿s drive for innovation, creativity and quality. These are also goals we strive for in Hong Kong to maintain our competitive advantage in the region.

    As is usually the case in business, success is due to a combination of hard work and good luck.

    The government﷿s role is to create the right conditions for business such as establishing a world-class infrastructure, maintaining a low and simple tax structure and ensuring a level playing field for everyone.

    Being in the right place at the right time has been our good fortune. A prime location in the heart of East Asia and on the southeastern tip of China means that we are well placed to serve the international gifts and premium industry.

    Just across the boundary, in the Mainland of China, is the Pearl River Delta region, which is often referred to as the 䩕factory of the world蒅.  Our proximity to this dynamic area enables fast, efficient delivery of a large number of price-competitive products and a variety of high-end items.

    These attributes are a great attraction for any industry.

    Even though we are perfectly positioned to bring all the stakeholders together, staging an event of this magnitude is always a challenge.  I congratulate the Trade Development Council and the Exporters﷿ Association on successfully organising the Fair again.

    Not only does it showcase our gifts and premium industry, it also helps to promote Hong Kong as a leading destination for conventions, exhibitions and tourism. Every year, more than 300 international events take place in Hong Kong. With facilities including the Convention and Exhibition Centre here in the heart of the city, the AsiaWorld-Expo out at the airport and a number of convention facilities scattered around the city, there is room for even more mega events of this nature.

    We have the experience, the know-how and the connections to stage events, both large and small, so they can achieve maximum impact.

    Of course, my previous point about being at the right time in the right place is also crucial. 

    Hong Kong is within a five-hour flight of half the world﷿s population, and offers ready access to the vast regional markets, particularly the Mainland market. Hosting international exhibitions here puts the region﷿s suppliers within easy reach of buyers.

    We can and will certainly do more to promote Hong Kong as an international convention, exhibition and tourism capital. 

    In my Budget in February, I earmarked an additional $150 million in the coming five years to enhance Hong Kong﷿s appeal in this regard. We will step up our global publicity and provide one-stop support services for event organisers.

    This Fair is a good example of what can be achieved with the right ingredients, when you have exhibitors with the best and newest products and buyers who are serious about doing the right deal.

    Ladies and gentlemen, with many of the leading names in the gifts and premium industry as well as the brightest thinkers in the field attending this Fair, I am confident this will be another highly productive occasion for all of us.

    I wish all of you an enjoyable stay in Hong Kong, and a successful 2008.

    Thank you.

Ends/Monday, April 28, 2008
Issued at HKT 11:59


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