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April 2008 issue of the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics is now available

    The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) published today (April 21) the April 2008 issue of the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics (HKMDS).

    In this issue, four feature articles entitled 䩕Analysis of Hong Kong﷿s Imports of Goods蒅, 䩕Seasonally Adjusted Consumer Price Indices蒅, 䩕The Financial Services Sector in Hong Kong蒅 and 䩕The Movement of the Unemployment Rate in 2007蒅 are included.

䩕Analysis of Hong Kong﷿s Imports of Goods蒅

    Hong Kong is an externally oriented economy.  In 2007, the value of Hong Kong﷿s total exports of goods amounted to $2,687.5 billion, while that of imports of goods was $2,868.0 billion.  The ratio of the value of total exports of goods to Hong Kong﷿s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was 1.67, while that of the value of imports of goods to GDP was 1.78.

    Goods consumed locally in Hong Kong are mostly imported.  Meanwhile, a large proportion of Hong Kong﷿s imports of goods, apart from being consumed locally, is for subsequent re-exportation.  This feature article analyses performance of Hong Kong﷿s imports of goods in recent years.

    For enquiries about this feature article, please call the Trade Analysis Section, C&SD (Tel.: 2582 4914).

䩕Seasonally Adjusted Consumer Price Indices蒅

    Among the commodities and services covered by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), some may have prices affected by seasonal factors.  In other words, the prices of some consumer items tend to be regularly higher in certain months of a year and regularly lower in some other months.  An example is clothing and footwear items, which are most affected by seasonal variations.

    Through the application of statistical methods, clear and stable seasonal variations can be removed from the original series of the CPI so that the underlying price trend can be revealed more distinctly.  Month-to-month comparison of the indices in the seasonally adjusted series may also help early detection of turning points in price movements.

    This feature article aims to introduce the features and the applications of the seasonally adjusted CPI.  It also provides an analysis on the movements of the data concerned in recent years.

    For enquiries about this feature article, please call the Consumer Price Index Section, C&SD (Tel. : 2805 6401)

䩕The Financial Services Sector in Hong Kong蒅

    The C&SD compiles annually statistics on the structure and operating characteristics of various sectors in Hong Kong so as to facilitate in-depth analyses of these sectors.  This feature article presents the development of the financial services sector in Hong Kong between 2004 and 2006.

    For enquiries about this feature article, please call the Business Services Statistics Section, C&SD (Tel. : 2802 1269).

䩕The Movement of the Unemployment Rate in 2007蒅

    Following the downward trend starting from mid-2003, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate continued to fall over the course of 2007 and reached 3.4% in the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2007, the lowest level since early 1998.

    This feature article provides an analysis of the changes in the unemployment rate in 2007 from various perspectives.  It aims to give readers a better understanding about the recent unemployment situation in Hong Kong.

    For enquiries about this feature article, please call the General Household Survey Section (2), C&SD (Tel.: 2887 5508).

    Published in bilingual form, the HKMDS is a compact volume of official statistics containing 140 tables.  It collects up-to-date statistical series on various aspects of the social and economic situation of Hong Kong.  Topics include population and vital events; labour; external trade; industrial production; land, housing, building and construction; transport, communications and tourism; public accounts, money and finance; prices; commerce; social conditions; energy; and national income and Balance of Payments.  For selected key statistical items, over 20 charts depicting the annual trend in the past decade and quarterly or monthly trend in the recent two years are also available.

    Users can download the publication free of charge at the website of the C&SD (

    Print version of the publication is available for sale at HK$110 per issue.  Purchase can be done in person at the Publications Unit of the C&SD (Address: 19/F Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai; Tel.: 2582 3025) or through mail order by returning a completed order form which can be downloaded from the C&SD﷿s website (  Print version of the publication is also available for sale online at the Government Bookstore of the Information Services Department (

    Enquiries about the contents of the publication can be directed to the General Statistics Section (1)B of the C&SD (Tel.: 2582 4738).

Ends/Monday, April 21, 2008
Issued at HKT 16:00


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