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Carnival promotes Olympic spirit among Tai Po residents (with photos)

    The Tai Po District Council and Tai Po District Office today (April 6) jointly organised the Tai Po Olympics Carnival at Tai Po Waterfront Park to promote the Olympic spirit among local residents and share with them the joy of Hong Kong being the co-host city of the Olympic Equestrian Events. The carnival was also to enhance people's understanding of the equestrian sport.

    The Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing, said at the carnival's opening ceremony that the government had together with various organisations already launched a series of 100-day countdown celebrations.  He said he hoped that through these celebration activities, the Olympic atmosphere could be shared by all with full community participation.

    The organisation of the carnival was assisted by the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC), and the Hong Kong Paralympic Committee and Sports Association for the Physically Disabled (HKPC&SAPD).

    Other officiating guests included the President of the SF&OC, Mr Timothy Fok; the Vice-Chairman of the HKPC&SAPD, Dr James Lam; member of 2008 Beijing Olympic Equestrian Events Hong Kong Fund Board of Governors, Mr Wilfred Ng; Chairman of Tai Po District Council, Mr Cheung Hok-ming; and Tai Po District Officer, Mr Eddie Poon.

    To promote "Green Olympics" and commemorate the Beijing 2008 Olympics, an Olympic Garden was set up inside the Tai Po Waterfront Park.  The officiating guests today also unveiled the plaque for the Olympic Garden.

    Highlights of the carnival included tree planting participated by over 100 youths in Tai Po, "We are ready" graffiti, display of kilometre-long Olympic paintings created by students from about 40 primary and secondary schools in the district, an equestrian exhibition, horse riding trials, a live show , games stalls, horse statue and Fuwa exhibition, Sea Land Market, an air show by the Hong Kong Aviation Club and a water-skiing performance by the Hong Kong Water Ski Association.

    Highlights of the carnival will be featured on TVB Jade on April 10 (Thursday) from 11.05pm to 11.35pm.

Ends/Sunday, April 6, 2008
Issued at HKT 14:55


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