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Proposed adjustments in pilotage dues gazetted

    A proposed revision to the pilotage dues, including the introduction of a cap on the additional due for ships of more than 120,000 gross tonnage, was published in the Government Gazette today (April 3).

    Pilotage dues are commercial fees charged by licensed pilots for the provision of pilotage services. The proposed revision reflects the agreement between the pilotage service provider and the service users.

    "The adjustments in pilotage dues are supported by the Pilotage Advisory Committee (PAC) and the Economic Development Panel of the Legislative Council. The Pilotage Ordinance (Cap. 84) empowers the Director of Marine, who is the Pilotage Authority, to set the amount of pilotage dues by order published in the Gazette after consultation with the PAC," a Marine Department spokesman said.

    The Pilotage (Dues) (Amendment) Order 2008 proposed revision is scheduled for tabling at the Legislative Council on April 9 and the new fees are expected to take effect in early June.

Ends/Thursday, April 3, 2008
Issued at HKT 14:54


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