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Road safety campaign targets drink-driving

    Police have concluded a territory-wide campaign, arresting 28 drivers for drink-driving related offences.

    The campaign, codenamed "Quickchaser", and held during Easter holidays was aimed at enhancing public awareness about road safety and targeting drink-driving offences. It was the latest in an ongoing series of campaigns conducted by the Police during 2008 using a mix of publicity, education and enforcement to target such offences.

    Officers from Police Regional Road Safety Teams visited various bar and restaurant areas throughout the territory and distributed about 15,010 leaflets appealing to motorists not to drive after drinking. During the campaign period, 216 people were invited to take voluntary breath tests.

    Strict enforcement was taken during the Easter period, with roadside checks conducted and 28 drivers arrested for drink-driving related offences.

    "Motorists are reminded not to drive after consuming alcohol. Offenders will be liable to a maximum fine of $25,000 and three years' imprisonment and penalized 10 driving-offence points; or possible disqualification from driving," a police spokesman said.

    Police today (March 26) warned that they would remain vigilant against drink-driving throughout the year.

Police report No.2

Ends/Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Issued at HKT 15:37


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