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Update on institutional outbreaks of influenza

    The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) received 27 reports of institutional outbreaks of influenza-like illness (ILI) affecting 25 schools, a residential home for the disabled and a hospital ward involving 197 people today (March 11).

    A CHP spokesman said ILI may be caused by influenza or other respiratory viruses. CHP's officials have visited all these institutions and provided health advice to the staff accordingly.

    The spokesman called on members of the public to consult medical advice before taking Tamiflu which is an anti-viral drug to treat influenza.

    He said Tamiflu was a drug in the Third Schedule of Pharmacy and Poisons Regulation. It must be prescribed by a doctor and dispensed under the supervision of a pharmacist.

    Drug stores are also reminded to observe the relevant legislation strictly. Anyone who is found guilty of an offence under the Regulation will be liable on conviction to a maximum fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for two years.

    To prevent influenza, members of the public are urged to maintain good personal and environmental hygiene. They are urged to build up good body immunity by having a proper diet, regular exercise, and adequate rests, reducing stress and avoiding smoking.

    More details of the institutional outbreaks, preventive tips and daily update of influenza situation are available in CHP's website (

Ends/Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Issued at HKT 19:25


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