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LCQ12 : Inter-departmental working group coordinate preparation of the marathon

    Following is a question by the Hon Lee Wing-tat and a written reply by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao, at the Legislative Council meeting today (March 22) :


     Some members of the public have complained to me that, on the day the marathon race was held on February 12 this year, the Government implemented traffic diversions in areas along the race route on that day, causing heavy traffic congestion from morning till noon in such areas.  Furthermore, traffic congestion was particularly serious on the roads close to Harcourt Road flyover (near The Hong Kong Arts Centre), which formed part of the race route, as road maintenance works were carried out on that flyover during the race.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council whether:

(a)  public announcements were broadcast, from time to time on that day, about the traffic diversions and congestions in the areas along the race route, so as to update the public on the traffic conditions;

(b)  various government departments coordinated among themselves the traffic arrangements made in the areas near the above flyover during the marathon race, and whether it has assessed the traffic impact of the road maintenance works carried out on the flyover during the race; if it has, of the assessment results; and

(c)  arrangements will be made in the future to better coordinate the schedules of road maintenance works, so as to ensure that such works will not be carried out during a marathon race on the road sections that form part of the race route, thereby avoiding further traffic congestion caused by such works?  

Reply :

Madam President,

     Since a few days before the marathon, we had been publicising the special traffic arrangements through a press conference, newspaper advertisements, websites of the Transport Department and the Police, as well as radio and television broadcasts.  On the day of the race, the Transport Department kept the public informed of the latest traffic conditions, particularly news about the closure and reopening of the affected road sections, through timely radio and television broadcasts.

     To ensure that the marathon would be held in an appropriate and safe environment and to minimise its impact on the traffic and the public, we set up an inter-departmental working group to coordinate the preparation of the race.  According to the record of the Highways Department, no road maintenance works requiring road closure were carried out on the road sections and flyovers (including the Harcourt Road Flyover) along the race route during the marathon.  However, some road sections could have been temporarily closed to allow access of emergency vehicles.

     In future, we will continue to coordinate the schedules of road maintenance works, and will avoid carrying out such works during a marathon as far as possible.  We will also review past experiences with a view to further improving the preparation and co-ordination among related organisations and departments, so that the impact of the race on the traffic can be minimised.

Ends/Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:23