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LCQ5: Complaints about traffic signs

   Following is a question by the Hon Miriam Lau and a written reply by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao, at the Legislative Council meeting today (March 22):


    Regarding traffic signs, will the Government inform this Council:

(a)  of the number of complaints received by the authorities in the past three years about unclear or improperly positioned traffic signs, together with a breakdown of such complaints by subject matter;

(b)  of the measures to ensure that traffic signs are clear and properly positioned; and

(c)  whether there is an established mechanism for reviewing the design and positioning of traffic signs; if so, of the details of the mechanism; if not, the reasons for that?

Reply :

Madam President,

    The number of complaints about traffic signs in the past three years is as follows:

         Unclear     Improperly positioned
Year  traffic signs     traffic signs        Total
****  *************  *********************   ****
2003      617                327             944
2004      551                302             853
2005      534                260             794

    All traffic signs installed on roads are required to comply with the Transport Department's "Transport Design and Planning Manual" which sets out the standards and guidelines on traffic signs, such as the size, content (including text and symbols) and positioning (including distance between the signs and motorists, and distance between the signs, the pavement and the kerb).  Moreover, the Transport Department, the Police and the Highways Department will only propose traffic signs at individual locations after they have fully considered the site conditions, and have consulted the locals through the Home Affairs Department.

    The Transport Department will review the "Transport Planning and Design Manual" regularly to ensure that the standards specified therein can meet the needs of the community and the latest international standards.  We will also review the existing traffic signs from time to time, including conducting regular inspections to ensure that they are not damaged and can perform their intended function.  We will also listen to the views of the public and make appropriate adjustments to the signs if necessary.

Ends/Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:10