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Transport Dept meets with taxi trade over operation of goods vehicles

    The Transport Department today (February 28) met with representatives from the taxi trade and listened to their views over a survey conducted earlier by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on the operation of goods vehicles.

     Submitting a report of the survey to the department at the meeting, the representatives expressed concern that some goods vehicles had illegally carried passengers for reward. They also asked the Government to put into practice the suggestions noted in the report.

     A Transport Department spokesman said the department had adopted an open stance towards any suggestion that would help tackle illicit transport services and activities, adding that the department would study the report in detail and carefully consider the proposals.

     The spokesman stressed that light goods vehicles and taxis had different functions and roles. According to Section 52 of the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374), light goods vehicles can only be used to carry goods but not passengers for reward. It is illegal to operate a "pak pai" service -- carrying passengers for reward. Anyone who commits the offence is liable -- in the case of a first conviction -- to a fine of $5,000 and to imprisonment of three months. Repeat offenders could face a fine of $10,000 and imprisonment of six months.

     The Hong Kong Airport Authority, the Police and the Transport Department set up a special task force in last July to look into illegal transport activities and touting. The department would continue to communicate and exchange views with the transport trade in a bid to review and improve the relevant policy.

     The authorities would also continue to tackle any illegal transport services and activities. Members of the public and the transport trade (taxi included) would be welcome to provide information.

Ends/Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:10