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Four projects approved funding to promote sustainable development

    Newly approved projects under the Sustainable Development Fund were of educational, training and promotional value and would sustain the momentum of endeavours in promoting the fund, Chair of the Education and Publicity Sub-committee of the Council for Sustainable Development Ms Christine Fang said today (February 28).

     A total of four projects were granted funds this time round. Three of them are community-based initiatives, showing a clear integration of the key development fund elements, including community participation, social cohesion, environmental awareness and economic development, in a balanced and practical way.

     Ms Fang, who is also a Member of the Council for Sustainable Development, said they were targeted at young people, the general community and women, and would last from 12 to 30 months.

     "We believe that they can become a project model for wider dissemination and for creating a better impact in the community," she added.

     One of the projects also approved is a sustainability reporting proposal. This is an initiative under which the sub-committee has invited interested parties to submit proposals during this round of applications.

     "A sustainability report will help promote public awareness of the fund and track Hong Kong's progress along its way towards greater sustainability," Ms Fang said.

     "In producing a sustainability report for Hong Kong, the project will develop, with wide community participation, a set of sustainability indicators relevant to Hong Kong and readily used by the local communities."

     The four approved projects are:

* "A Musical Drama - Seven Days in the Mountain" by Mr James YC Cheung: $250,000 over a period of 14 months

* "Sustainable Development Community Building and Youth Education in Tai Kok Tsui" by Life Workshop: $173,040 over a period of 12 months

* "Community Sustainable Development Workshop ﷿ Promoting Community Sustainable Development by Women and Youth" by Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres: $777,035 over a period of 30 months

* "Reporting Sustainability in Hong Kong: A First Attempt" by Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, The University of Hong Kong: $495,000 over a period of 12 months

     The $100 million Sustainable Development Fund was set up in 2003 to support projects that would help raise public awareness of the principles of sustainable development and to encourage sustainable practices. The latest call for applications was the third, with a total of 44 proposals received.

     "This brings the total number of approved projects that have received grants from the fund to 14 and the amount involved to  $12.5 million. This is an encouraging step forward in promoting the fund in Hong Kong," Ms Fang said.

     "The progress of all approved projects will be monitored by the sub-committee, to ensure that they meet the objectives of the fund and individual projects," she explained.

     "The fund will be open for the next round of applications shortly, and interested organizations and stakeholders are welcome to apply."

     Details of the approved projects in the latest round of applications, as well as those  projects funded by the scheme can be accessed on

Ends/Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:14