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Three men jailed for dangerous drugs related offences

    A 41-year-old man and a 45-year-old man were sentenced to 21 and 20 years' imprisonment respectively after being convicted of manufacturing of and trafficking in dangerous drugs at High Court today (December 23).

Another 27-year-old man, also arrested in the same case was convicted of trafficking in dangerous drugs and sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment today.

     The court heard that officers of the Police Narcotics Bureau mounted an anti-dangerous drug operation and laid ambush in the vicinity of a residential building at No.427 Shanghai Street, Yau Ma Tei in the afternoon of January 8, 2005.

     The 27-year-old defendant was seen acting suspiciously when he went out from a residential unit inside the building.  He was immediately intercepted by ambushing officers after a brief struggle.

Police subsequently gained entry into the residential unit where the 41-year-old defendant and the 45-year-old defendant were found inside one of the subdivided rooms. The 41-year-old defendant was at that time trying to discard some dangerous drugs into the toilet bowl.

After a search in the premises, about 380 grams of a mixture containing about 243 grams of heroin were seized.  Some manufacturing and packing equipment, such as hydraulic jack, cylindrical moulds, blender and electronic scale were also seized in the operation.

     The haul could fetch over $126,000 if sold in the retail market.

     The three men were arrested and were later charged for manufacturing of and trafficking in dangerous drugs on January 9, 2005.

     The 27-year-old man pleaded guilty to the charge of trafficking in dangerous drugs on May 13, while the charge of manufacturing of dangerous drugs was dropped.

     The two men, aged 41 and 45, were convicted after seven days' trial and sentencing was meted out today.

Police Report No.11

Ends/Friday, December 23, 2005
Issued at HKT 17:48


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