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One more case of typhoid fever in Yuen Long

    The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (December 22) was notified by the Hospital Authority of a case of typhoid fever involving a 15-year-old girl living in Yuen Long. This brings to 12 the total number of typhoid fever cases reported to the CHP since November 25.

     The girl developed fever and headache on December 1.  She was admitted to Princess Margaret Hospital on December 18 and is now in stable condition.

     A CHP spokesman said nine of the 12 cases involved residents of Yuen Long district.

     "The CHP and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department are investigating any possible linkages among the cases, especially those cases in Yuen Long.

     "Despite no common food premises being identified to account for all the cases, investigations focusing on possible common food vehicles or food handlers are ongoing," the spokesman said.

     Since the incubation period of typhoid fever can stretch to three weeks or more, the spokesman said it would be possible that more previously infected cases would appear in the coming two weeks.

     A total of 36 cases have been reported so far this year while the figures for 2001 to 2004 are 67, 67, 49 and 53 respectively.

     As typhoid fever is usually transmitted by consuming food and water contaminated by feces or urine of patients or carriers the spokesman called on people in particular food handlers to take the following measures:

*  Wash hands properly with soap and water before eating or handling food.
*  Clean, wash and cook food thoroughly.
*  Wash fruits and vegetables before consumption.
*  Do not handle cooked food with bare hands; wear gloves if necessary.
*  Handle and store raw and cooked food especially seafood separately to avoid cross contamination.
*  Purchase fresh food from reliable sources. Do not buy cooked food from illegal hawkers.

Ends/Thursday, December 22, 2005
Issued at HKT 17:11


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